From a multitude of projects we selected the following ones exemplarily to give you an insight into the broad range of our competencies and services...
From the sector of business process optimization: It has been the aim of a large energy provider from the south of Germany to incorporate a transparent and error-free processing in the technical procedures by organisational and softwaresupported solutions.
Conceptually and pragmatically we developed a solution and an organisational structure for our customer which is serving as a pattern for a setting applied in numerous occasions in the fields of energy providing today. The center of this scenario is the measurement internet portal. Please find further information at
From the fields of trouble shooting: in one of the largest petrochemical enterprises allover Europe many parameters had developed negatively for our customer caused by high staff fluctuation and therefore an outflow of knowhow.
Our common goal has been to analyse the weaknesses of the project within a very short space of time and to initiate and accompany countermeasures at once. In this case the use of the IBW measurement platform has been essential too. Meanwhile this major procect returned to business as usual and has exceeded the break-even point. We could hand over a positiv running project to the new reponsible manager including a road map for the coming month.
From the fields of accountment optimising: A solution for measurement recording and accounting of the rendered services in plant construction in support of a wellknown company of beverage industry.
Beginning with the pre-inspection and the conceptioning up to the fully complete standard service catalogue following the requests of the customer we worked out this project. The permanent reconciliation of services invoiced by the subcontractors and the project accountment as well as the survey of the material planning
has been one of the core tasks